Meet The Team

"We ensure our success – and thereby yours!"

"I'm proud to say that we make great efforts to always safeguard operation excellence. That includes using lean tools and problem-solving six sigma methodology, so customers can rely on always getting highly efficient solutions from us very quickly."

Maricon Montero | Process Engineering Manager | Philippines
"There's a shared and very strong belief in team communication."

"Our operator-driven, daily 'cluster' meetings help address any productivity issues. That way, everyone is always up to date and can bring their individual strengths to the troubleshooting process."

Brenda Feng | Human Resources Manager | Taiwan
"Everyone at Advantek knows the goals and challenges."

"I think it adds to our effectiveness that we communicate our strategy in a comprehensive way throughout the organization. Especially in a company that stretches all over the globe, this creates a feeling of unity and common purpose."

Erna Qiu | Global Planning Director | China
"Taking pride in our work while having fun – that's the spirit!"

"Of course we're proud to provide high-value, precision component delivery solutions. But it's also just a lot of fun to be able to work with the technologies we love and to keep making them better."

Melvin Demiar | V.P. Engineering | USA

Great companies are driven to succeed.
By great people.

From management through production to R&D departments – we're a team that builds success on cooperation.
  • Group Management
    Wim Goossens
    President, CEO
    George Carbone
    EVP, CFO
    Rose Lera
    SVP - HR & Compliance
    Jason Skrtic
    SVP - Americas
    Vincent Huang
    SVP - North East Asia
    Binit Singh
    SVP - South East Asia
    Axel Held
    SVP - Europe, Middle East & Africa
    Melvin Demiar
    VP - Engineering
    Sonya Downs
    SVP - Finance
  • Support Functions
    Greg Bluem
    VP - Product & Brand
    Carlo Cirineo
    Director - Application Engineering
    Grace De Castro
    Director - Global Quality
    Linger Liu
    Product Management
    Helen Mangente
    Director - Corporate Compliance
    Arnold Onte
    VP - Information Technology
    Erna Qiu
    VP - Global Planning
    Kevin Yang
    VP - Global Sourcing
    Qing Yang
    VP - Corporate Development & Business Intelligence
  • Global Sales
    Andres Bucaro
    Sales Director - Americas
    Samuel Chan
    Sales Manager – Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam
    Akihisa Komatsuzaki
    Sales Manager - Japan
    Karin Laeufer
    Sales Director - EMEA
    Nick Lee
    Sales Manager - Taiwan
    Chad Miller
    Sales Manager – Medical
    Roberto Velasco
    Sales Manager - Singapore
    Jason Wang
    Sales Manager - Mainland China
    Jessica Wu
    VP - North East Asia Sales
  • Human Resources
    Mina DelaCruz
    HR Manager - Philippines
    Brenda Feng
    HR Manager - Taiwan
    Yoyo Ling
    HR Manager - China
    Jen Mariadass
    HR Specialist - Malaysia
    Wade Schenck
    HR Manager - Americas and EMEA